Temperature Controlled Fan using Arduino - Internet of Things

Temperature Controlled Fan using Arduino

Automatic Temperature Controlled Fan Project using Arduino

In this arduino based project, we are going to control DC fan speed according to the room temperature and show these parameter changes on a 16x2 LCD display. It is accomplished by the data communications between Arduino, LCD, DHT11 sensor Module and DC fan that is controlled by using PWM. PWM is a technique by using which we can control voltage.

Circuit Components
1.  Arduino UNO
2.  DHT11 sensor
3.  DC Fan
4.  2n2222 transistor
5.  9 volt battery
6.  16x2 LCD
7.  1K resistor
8.  Connecting wires

This project consists of three sections. One senses the temperature by using humidity and temperature sensor namely DHT11. Second section reads the dht11 sensor modules output and extracts temperature value into a suitable number in Celsius scale and control the fan speed by using PWM. And last part of system shows humidity and temperature on LCD and Fan driver.

Here in this project we have used a sensor module namely DHT11 that are already have discuss our previous project namely Humidity and Temperature Measurement using Arduino”. Here we have only used this DHT sensor for sensing temperature, and then programmed our arduino according to the requirements.
Working of this project is very simple. We have created PWM at pwm pin of arduino and applied it at base terminal of transistor. Then transistor creates a voltage according to the pwm input.
Fan speed and PWM values and duty cycles values are showing in given table
Duty Cycle
PWM Value
Fan Speed
Less 26
20 %
Greater 29

What is PWM? PWM is a technique by using we can control the voltage or power. To understand it more simply, if you are applying 5 volt for driving a motor then motor will moving with some speed, now if we reduces applied voltage by 2 means we apply 3 volt to motor then motor speed also decreases. This concept is used in the project to control the voltage using PWM. (To understand more about PWM, check this circuit: 1 Watt LED Dimmer)
The main game of PWM is digital pulse with some duty cycle and this duty cycle is responsible for controlling the speed or voltage.
Suppose we have a pule with duty cycle 50% that means it will give half of voltage that we apply.
Formula for duty cycle given below:
Duty Cycle=  Ton/T
Where T= total time or Ton+Toff
And Ton= On time of pulse (means 1 )
And Toff= Off time of pulse (means 0)

Circuit Description
Connections of this temperature controlled fan circuit is very simple, here a liquid crystal display is used for displaying temperature and Fan speed Status. LCD is directly connected to arduino in 4-bit mode (Check this tutorial for more details: LCD Interfacing with Arduino Uno). Pins of LCD namely RS, EN, D4, D5, D6 and D7 are connected to arduino digital pin number 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. And a DHT11 sensor module is also connected to digital pin 12 of arduino. Digital pin 9 is used for controlling fan speed trough transistor.

Code Description
First we include the library for lcd and dht sensor and then define pin for lcd, dht sensor and for fan.
Then initialize all the things in setup loop. And in loop by using dht function reads DHT sensor and then using some dht functions we extract temperature and display these on LCD.
After this we compare the temperature with pre define temperature digit and then generate PWM according to the temperature value.

For generating PWM we have used analogWrite(pin, PWM value)” fuction in 8 bit. Mean if PWM value is equivalent of analog value. So if we need to generate 20% of duty cycle then we passes 255/5 value as PWM in analogWriteFunction. 

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Temperature Controlled Fan using Arduino Temperature Controlled Fan using Arduino Reviewed by XXX on สิงหาคม 27, 2560 Rating: 5
