GY-45 3-axis Accelerometers Module (MMA8451) - Internet of Things

GY-45 3-axis Accelerometers Module (MMA8451)

The GY-45 is an Accelerometers module. On the module consists of MMA8451Q chip sends data through the I2C bus.

Brand: Shenzen
Model Number: GY-45
>>> Comparison Table of GY Series Features <<<
The GY-45 is an Accelerometers module. On the module consists of MMA8451Q chip sends data through the I2C bus, used to determine the value of the three axes.

General specifications

Select acceleration measurement in the 2g, 3g and 5g areas.
Connected via I2C bus
Use +3.3 to 5 VDC power
Use MMA8451Q chip

Information Support

MMA8451Q Datasheet
GY-45 User Guide
GY-45 Schematic Diagram
GY Sensor Example Code for Arduino (file: rar)

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GY-45 3-axis Accelerometers Module (MMA8451) GY-45 3-axis Accelerometers Module (MMA8451) Reviewed by XXX on สิงหาคม 06, 2560 Rating: 5
