Smart Phone Controlled Digital Code Lock using Arduino
Smart Phone Controlled Digital
Code Lock using Arduino
are many types of security systems used all over the world and Digital
Code Lock is one of them. We
have already covered many digital locks with simple 16x2 LCD using Arduino, Raspberry
Pi, 8051 etc. Here we are going to build a Smart
Phone Controlled Digital Lock using TFT LCD and Arduino Mega. This lock can be controlled wirelessly via Bluetooth,
using your Android phone, within the range of normal Bluetooth that is 10
User needs to enter the Predefined
password from his Android Phone, if password is correct TFT LCD shows the “CORRECT PASSWORD” message and if password is wrong then LCD shows
the “WRONG PASSWORD” message.
using this Lock, you can open the door lock, while walking, even before
reaching to it.
This will save your time and
you don’t need to carry the keys and lock can be opened
easily with your Phone.
Required Components:
Arduino MEGA
HC05 Bluetooth Module
USB Cable
Connecting wires
2.4 inch TFT LCD Shield with SPFD5408 controller
Android Mobile phone
Bluetooth terminal App
Circuit Diagram and Explanation:
of this Smart Phone Controlled Digital Lock is simple; we only
need to connect Bluetooth Module HC05 and TFT LCD
Shield to the Arduino. TFT
LCD shield can be easily mounted on Arduino, we just need match the alignment
of pins and ensure that GND and Vcc pins of Arduino should be mounted on GND
and Vcc pins of LCD. You also need to install the
Library for TFT Touch Screen LCD, learn more about Interfacing
TFT LCD with Arduino here.
is powered by Arduino Vcc and GND Pins, TX of HC05 is connected to RX1 of
Arduino and RX of HC05 is connected to TX1 of Arduino. One pin of buzzer is connected to GND of Arduino
and other to pin 22 of Arduino.
Configuring Bluetooth Terminal App for Arduino:
operate this Digital lock through our Android Smart Phone, first we need to
install an Android Mobile App named Bluetooth Terminal. Bluetooth Terminal App is compatible with Arduino. This App can be downloaded from the Google Play
Store, and can be easily configured by following below Steps:
1. First download it from Google Play Store and
install it in your Android mobile phone.
2. Power up your ‘Bluetooth controlled Digital Lock system circuit’.
3. Open the app and go to option ‘connect securely’.
4. You will find HC05 device to pair.
5. Give 1234 passkey to connect with your Android
Phone, like we use to connect other Bluetooth Devices.
Working Description:
this Arduino Based Security System, we have used three major
components which are Bluetooth Module HC05, Arduino Mega Board and 2.4 inch TFT LCD Shield.
four digit Password is entered by user through Android Smart
Phone using Bluetooth Terminal App and sent to the Arduino via
Bluetooth. Arduino receives the data, sent by Android
Phone, using Bluetooth Module HC05 and display it on SPFD5408 TFT LCD. Arduino compares the user entered Password with
the Predefined password (1234), and displays the message accordingly. It displays the message “WRONG PASSWORD” if password don’t match and display the message “CORRECT PASSWORD” if password matches. A buzzer is also used for alarm indication, which
beeps when password entered is wrong. Also
Check the Video, shown at the end, to understand its operation.
We can
also change the password to our choice by changing the Arduino
Code, it has been explained in ‘Programming’ section below.
Programming Description:
program this Bluetooth Controlled Digital Lock, we have used some
libraries for displaying data on TFT LCD, which are given below. All the libraries come in one rar file and can be
downloaded from given this link. Click
on ‘Clone or download’ and ‘Download
file and add to your Arduino
library folder.
This library is needed for
proper functioning of TFT LCD.
<SPFD5408_Adafruit_GFX.h> // Core graphics
<SPFD5408_Adafruit_TFTLCD.h> // Hardware-specific library
of LCD input-output, and serial communication for Bluetooth
module are performed in void setup() loop. Pin number 22 of Arduino is interfaced to the buzzer and the
other pin of buzzer is interfaced to ground of Arduino Mega. The Bluetooth module is interfaced with Serial1
port of Arduino Mega and powered by 5V supply of Arduino Mega.
fillScreen() function
is used for clearing the LCD.
// put your
setup code here, to run once:
(40, 50);
tft.println("E N T
E R* P A
O R D ");
In void
loop() function, setTextSize(4) sets the size of text and setTextColor(colorName) sets the color of text. The arr[] is the array in which we have stored the
predefined four digit password and the Input[] is the array in which we have stored the
password entered by user from Android Phone. If password entered is same as the password stored,
then the LCD will display “CORRECT
message and If it is not the
same i.e. 1234,
then the LCD will display “WRONG
message and the pin connected
to buzzer becomes high and the buzzer beeps.
// put your
main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (Serial1.available() > 0)
flag = 1;
char c =;
if (flag
= c;
.... .....
..... ......
We can
further, alter the arr[] array to change the password of our choice
instead of ‘1234’. We can
also change the no. of characters in the password
by changing the length of arr[] and input[] arrays.
= {'1', '2', '3', '4'};
to the changed length of password we need to change the if condition in void
(arr[0] == input[0] && arr[1] == input[1] && arr[2] == input[2] && arr[3] == input[3])
we can interface a Electronic Door Lock (easily available online) in this project. It have an Electro magnet which keeps the Door
locked when there is no current passed through the Lock (open circuit), and when some current passed through it, the lock gets
unlocked and door can be opened. We
just need to alter the Code accordingly, and we are ready to Open door
Lock with our Phone. Check this shared project
review: Arduino
RFID Door Lock to get more about Electronic Door Lock.
Demo & Code
Smart Phone Controlled Digital Code Lock using Arduino
Reviewed by XXX
สิงหาคม 27, 2560
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