Robot Controlled using HTML5JavaScript and BeagleBone Green
M otivation
It is cool to be able to use the mobile devices to control the stuffs that we build. However, it may be complicated to install the application of the mobile device of a friend to let him play with the project.
In a earlier version of this project, the board used was too complicated regarding the deployment of the server part of this project. The choice of BeagleBone Green for this project was motivated by the power of it's processor and the ease of use of the BoneScript. Indeed, with this fabulous board, i was able to develop the full-stack application and deploy it in the board in a natural way.
I propose here a web based interface that use HTML5 features to get the accelerometer data from all the devices that have one and use this information to remotely control a robot.
This project aims to be a first step towards an autonomous vehicle that can generate the topography of desert regions to collect topological data for building desertification model and enable predictive modeling to optimize the counter desertification actions.
The autonomous vehicle version will use SeeedStudio sensors in addition to the BeagleBone Green board to collect the topographic data. It will use a solar charger to get the energy in the middle of the desert.
Demo & Code
Robot Controlled using HTML5JavaScript and BeagleBone Green
Reviewed by XXX
สิงหาคม 25, 2560
