Open Sesame System - OpenClose door lock with Smartphone - Internet of Things

Open Sesame System - OpenClose door lock with Smartphone



    I live in an apartment at the basement with a backdoor that I never use because I don’t have its key. One day, I went to the leasing center and I asked them for the key of the backdoor. They said that I need to pay $120 to have the key. What the hack !!! i am a poor hacker that spend all his money to buy hardware. i do not want to spend this money on the backdoor lock.  I prefer spending $80 to get a Raspberry Pi 2, a Servo, and spend some time hacking the door to have many feature that i could never have with a regular door lock.

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Open Sesame System - OpenClose door lock with Smartphone Open Sesame System - OpenClose door lock with Smartphone Reviewed by XXX on สิงหาคม 25, 2560 Rating: 5
