EnLight (Sunset) v1 - Internet of Things

EnLight (Sunset) v1


What is this?
EnLight is a series of “add-on” devices to help improve and enable regular objects, like blinds, to have efficient energy collecting abilities! This particular EnLight device augments blinds to efficiently collect the setting sun’s sunlight, and close the blinds when it gets dark outside.

This Hackster project will explain with words and pictures/diagrams how to set up your blinds with an EnLight Sunset to collect the sun’s power! EnLight Sunset is a simple stand-alone system that doesn’t require any internet or manual operation (except for the setup)! Feel free to alter the code and CAD enclosures of this device to customize it to your own needs.

Demo & Code

EnLight (Sunset) v1 EnLight (Sunset) v1 Reviewed by XXX on สิงหาคม 25, 2560 Rating: 5
