DIY Speedometer using Arduino and Processing Android App
this project we make a Cool Speedometer for bikes or any
automotives by using Arduino which broadcast the speed using Bluetooth to
an Android application that we created using Processing. The complete project is powered by an 18650
Lithium cell and hence highly portable along with your vehicle. To spice it up a bit more I have added the option
of charging your mobile phone as it displays your speed. Yes, you can also use this as a power bank
for your mobiles on the go as the 18650 has high charge density and can easily
be charged and discharged.
I will
completely guide you from scratch till the completion, speedometer can
he hooked up to our vehicle and tested. The cool feature here is that you can customize
your android app for your personalisation and add more features according to
your creativity.
But, if you do not want to
build the app by yourself and just build the Arduino part then no worries, just
download the APK file (read further) and install in your Android mobile phone. Also check the full Video at the end.
So let’s see what materials we would need to build this
project, and plan our budget. All
these components are easily available; if you have trouble buying any of these
let me know in the comment section.
Hardware Requirements:
Arduino Pro Mini (5V 16MHz)
FTDI board (for programming mini you can also use UNO)
3V to 5V DC-DC Boost converter with USB output charger
TP4056 Lithium battery Module
Bluetooth Module (HC-05/HC-06)
Hall effect sensor (US1881/04E)
18650 Lithium Cell
Small piece of magnets
Perf Board
Berg sticks connectors (Male and Female)
Soldering Kit
Small enclosure boxes to
mount the kit.
Programming Requirements:
Arduino IDE
Processing IDE with android
ADK (Only if you want to code your own app.)
Windows/Mac PC
Android Mobile Phone.
might look like a handful of components and materials, but trust me once you
complete this project you would feel they are worth the time the effort.
Measuring Speed using Hall Sensor and Arduino:
we get our hands on the hardware, let us know how we are actually going to
measure the speed using Arduino. There
is lots of way to measure the speed of a vehicle using Arduino, but using a
hall sensor is the most economic and easiest way of doing it. A Hall Sensor is a component that
detects the polarity of a magnet. For
example whenever one particular pole of the magnet is brought near the sensor,
the sensor will change its state. There
are many types of hall sensors available you can use any one of those in this
project but make sure that it is a digital hall sensor.
measure the speed we have to stick a small piece of magnet onto the wheel of
the vehicle, each time the magnet crosses the hall sensor it will detect it and
sends the information to the Arduino.
interrupt will be received by the Arduino each time the magnet is detected. We run a continuous timer by using millis() function and calculate the time taken for the
wheel to complete two rotations (to
minimise error)
by using the below formulae:
= millis() – pevtime;
we know the time taken we can calculate the rpm by using the below formulae:
(1000/timetaken) * 60;
Where (1000/timetaken) gives the rps (Revolutions per second) and it is multiplied by 60 to convert rps to rpm (Revolutions per minute).
calculating the rpm we can calculate the velocity of the vehicle using the
below formulae provided we know the radius of the wheel.
v= radius_of_wheel * rpm * 0.37699;
Arduino, after calculating the velocity, will broadcast it using the Bluetooth
The complete code has
been given below in Code section. Also
check our other projects involving Bluetooth Module HC-05 here.
Schematics and Hardware Part:
complete Circuit diagram of the project is given below:
the hardware part is split into two parts one is the main board which contains
all the main files. The other board just consists
of a hall sensor and a resistor which will be mounted near the wheel. Let us start building the main board.
the connection is made let us test the set up by using our 18650
Lithium battery. Lithium battery is highly
explosive in nature, hence it must be handled with extreme caution. It is for this reason why we use a TP4056
Lithium Battery Charging Module. This
module has over charge/discharge protection and
Reverse polarity protection. Hence
the battery can be easily charged using a normal micro USB charger and can be
safely discharged till it reaches the under voltage cut off limits. Some important details of the TP4056 charge module
is given in the table below.
per Cell :
Voltage cut-off
voltage Cut-off
Voltage and reverse polarity protection
IC’s present
(charger IC) and DW01 Protection IC
Red- Charging in Progress
– Charge Complete
let us start with the Hall Sensor Board. This board just contains two components one it the
10K resistor and the other is the hall sensor. The connections can be made as shown in the
schematics above.
Once the board is ready,
connect them using jumper wires as per the schematics. Once it is done it should look something like this.
crucial step in the project is connecting the 18650 battery to the B+ and B- terminals of the TP4056 module using a wire. Since Li+ cells are explosive it is highly not recommended to use a
soldering iron over these cells. Although
people have done it, it is highly risky and can easily end up in a big mess. Hence the easy way to do it, is to use magnets as
shown below
Simply solder
the wire to a small piece of magnet and then stick the magnets to the terminals of
the battery (they get attracted to terminals very well) as shown above. You might use some duck tap to further secure the
position of the magnet.
Programming the Arduino:
program for this project is very simple. We just have to calculate the speed of rotating wheel by using
the hall sensor interrupt inputs and broadcast the calculated speed over the
air using Bluetooth Module. The complete
program is given in the Code section below and explained using the
comment lines.
time the hall sensor detects the magnet it triggers an interrupt. This interrupt function is called by the magnet_detect() function. This
is the place where the rpm of the vehicle is calculated.
the rpm is calculated the velocity of the wheel is calculated in the loop
() function. Once the code is ready lets dump it to our Arduino
pro mini and test its working as shown in the Video given at the end.
Android Mobile Application for Speedometer:
Android application for this project is made using software called Processing. If you are not interested in making your own
Android application and would like to just install the one used here, you can
download the APK file and install it directly in your Smart Phone by following
the below steps.
1. You can directly download the APK file
from the below link. This
APK file is made for Android version 4.4.2 and above (Kitkat an above). Extract
the APK file from the zip file.
2. Transfer the .Apk file from your computer to your mobile phone.
3. Enable installing application from Unknown sources
in your android settings.
4. Install the application.
successfully installed, you will find the application named “Processing_code” installed on your phone as shown below:
Develop your own Application using Processing:
you can use the .APK file given above or you can build your own app
using Processing as explained here. You
can download the all the Processing Android application code from
here. The program is self-explained using the comment lines. But if you have any problem or if you want to get
your application a modified a bit please use the comment section and I will
help you out.
android program establishes a connection with our Bluetooth module during start
up of the application and receives the speed of the vehicle which was
calculated and broadcasted by the Arduino Pro mini. I have created a small graphics also to display
the speed using a Analog speedometer to make it look a bit attractive. You can come up with your own ideas and tweak the
code to personalize it for your needs. Also check our other Processing Projects to learn more about it:
you have installed the application to your mobile phone its time to test our
But we have not yet mounted
our kit to a vehicle yet. Let’s do it.
Mounting the Speedometer kit to a vehicle:
I have
mounted this kit over my bi-cycle
and tested it, and it works like a charm. Mounting the kit is left to your creativity, you can get
your own small box from a shop and drill holes for the wires and
connections and mounted it to your vehicle. One common important thing to note is that the
magnet should be stuck to the rim of the wheel and the hall sensor should be
mounted as close as possible to the magnet so that each time the magnet crosses
the hall sensor it should be able to detect it, the arrangement is shown below.
I have a 3D
printer with me, I designed my own enclosures to make
them look good and in way that it can be easily mounted and disconnected from
our bike for charging the battery. So
if you have a 3D printer or if you can gain access to one to print few
materials continue reading, else skip this part and use your own
creativity to mount these things. Learn
to user 3D printer here.
If you
have decided to use my design files and print your enclosures then make sure
your main perf board is close to the below dimensions
complete Design
and STL files for 3D printing can be downloaded from here. If the board is similar to what is have made here
then you can directly 3D print your enclosures using the given STL files or
else you can use the Design files and modify it according to your board.
Let us
start with the 3D printed small enclosure which will be used for the
hall sensor module. Print the enclosure, place
the circuit into it and harness your wires though the hole provided and then
mount it to your vehicle so that the hall sensor is near the magnet as shown
It is
recommended to model the main board before designing the
enclosure for it so that we can make sure it fits in properly, because trust me
it would be nightmare when you print your enclosure for 6 long hours and in the
end it won’t fit into your perf board. The model board for my main perf board is
shown below.
Now it
will be easy to design the main enclosure box. I have designed the main box in two files, so that
one part of the box will hold the electronics and the other will be permanently
fixed to the cycle using clamps and bolts. These two parts can easily be fixed to gather to make a complete
enclosure and then be separated when we need to recharge our lithium battery or
work on our electronics.
the first part of the enclosure is designed and printed lets place all our
components inside as shown below and it should look something like this..
As you
can see there are two openings in front of the box, one is used for the USB
through which we can charge our mobile phone. The other is for the micro USB using which we can
charge our lithium battery.
let us print the second part of the main enclosure and check if it fits the
first part as expected.
we are satisfied with the parts we can mount the second part of the enclosure
using a C-clamp and some nuts and bolt as shown below:
let us connect the battery to our main circuit using magnets and tape as
discussed above and keep it permanently safe inside our enclosure.
is it our hardware is ready for the final mounting. Simply connect the hall sensor module with the
main board and slide the movable enclose into the fixed enclosure and it’s ready for action.
Working Explanation:
making sure your lithium battery is charged up, simply turn on the kit by using
the toggle switch and open your Android application. If everything goes well you should get the below
screen and it should display that your app has connected to your Bluetooth
module HC-05 as shown below. Remember to pair your Bluetooth module with phone
before opening the application.
simply ride your vehicle and you should notice the speedometer showing the
current speed of your vehicle. You
can also charge you mobile phone while riding by using a normal charger cable. Once you are done with your ride, you can slide
off the box from the cycle and charge it from AC mains by using any smart phone
mobile charger.
this how, you can not only measure the speed of your vehicle but also
charge the Mobile at the same time. Hope, you enjoyed the project. You can add app a lot more feature to this
project, just by tweaking the codes. You
can calculate the distance covered by your ride, the top and the average speed
of your ride etc.
Let me know if you have any
quires through the comments and I will be happy to help you out.
DIY Speedometer using Arduino and Processing Android App
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สิงหาคม 27, 2560
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