Digital Clock with Arduino, RTC and Shift Register 74HC595
Hello, everybody!
This is my project of a digital clock with RTC (Real Time Clock) using a LED display of 4 digits and 7 segments including interesting features of temperature and humidity. In the control of display I have used an Arduino Uno R3 and 02 ICs of 74HC595 (8 bit shift register with output latches).
The use of shift register is important to save output ports of Arduino. You only need 3 outputs to control the display. With it you transfer serial data into 8 parallel outputs. There are two breakouts: one for the sensor of temperature (?C - Celsius / ?F - Fahrenheit degrees) and humidity (% - in percentage) and another one for the RTC.
The assembly is very simple and you just need take care with the wiring. Be patient, follow the schematics and enjoy it.
Demo & Code
Digital Clock with Arduino, RTC and Shift Register 74HC595
Reviewed by XXX
สิงหาคม 25, 2560
