Connecting stuff via Bluetooth Android Arduino - Internet of Things

Connecting stuff via Bluetooth Android Arduino

A very good wireless local area (and personal) network is undoubtedly the Bluetooth (BT). Today in our day-to-day is common to find us using cell phones, stereos, cameras, etc., interconnected with the help of the famous "blue little light”.

In the world of IoT and automation in general, it is very common find remote controls via mobile phones using BT technology. This is due to two basic components, but very important:

Simple Development Platforms for ANDROID apps (like MIT AppInventor2) and
Affordable BT modules (like HC-06)
In this tutorial, I will develop some ideas about controlling Arduino’s outputs through a mobile device in order to move a Robot, turn on lamps on a house, etc.

Demo & Code

Connecting stuff via Bluetooth Android Arduino Connecting stuff via Bluetooth  Android  Arduino Reviewed by XXX on สิงหาคม 23, 2560 Rating: 5
