Azure Stream Analytics saving lives! - Internet of Things

Azure Stream Analytics saving lives!

Inexpensive heaters like the one pictured here are common in southeast Asia. In my country gas pressure fluctuates throughout the day in the hours of peak demand. Every year there are many lives lost to unattended heaters with either Carbon Monoxide poisoning, or gas leak when a momentary decrease in pressure causes the flame to go out,

Inspiration for the project came one winter night when my daughter's room was too cold but I could not allow the heater to stay ON while she slept.

When I started designing the project, I thought, If I put a WiFi enabled controller like MKR1000 in there then I can do lot of cool stuff apart from safety. That's where smartphone connectivity, auto-ignition using motorcycle parts came into picture. There is some good learning along the way like solenoid current control, level conversion by a NAND chip and unbricking a MKR1000!

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Azure Stream Analytics saving lives! Azure Stream Analytics saving lives! Reviewed by XXX on สิงหาคม 23, 2560 Rating: 5
