Autonomous High Altitude Glider - Internet of Things

Autonomous High Altitude Glider


Update 1: PID Stabilizer Code is finished, check out our code in the Code section of the project.
Update 2: Tarik uploaded the first Project Log video, check it out in our Progress Section of the project.
High Altitude Balloon missions are usually very risky, as there is a high chance of losing or damaging one’s payload during a mission. There are a lot of points of failure, and it is easy to lose track of your payload. Our Autonomous High Altitude Glider project aims to solve that issue. The glider deploys when it reaches a target altitude, detaches from the balloon, and navigates back to a predetermined location using GPS and Gyroscope/Accelerometer data.

Demo & Code

Autonomous High Altitude Glider Autonomous High Altitude Glider Reviewed by XXX on สิงหาคม 25, 2560 Rating: 5
