Arduino RFID Keycard Access
Keys are so last century, and now that you can easily replicate a physical key just by snagging a photo it might be time to upgrade our locks! This project outlines a framework for you to get started implementing your own unique locking mechanisms.
In this project you'll authenticate individuals using Mifare Classic RFID Tag UIDs and display a message on the LCD screen. Once you get this working we're curious to see where you take it next. We're thinking about maybe logging access stats to a google sheet, customizing the lighting in the room based off who just entered, or even 2 factor authentication door locks using a service like twilio! Imagine having to respond to a text from your car before you could get in? Let's dive in!
***Disclaimer*** Don't lock up anything too precious with UIDs only! Mifare Classic ISO 14443A with 4 byte UIDs are totally not that secure. You can brute force guess the UID, buy RFID tags and customize the UIDs prior to shipping, intercept the unencrypted transmission, etc... UID duplicates undoubtedly exist in the wild as well as there are no strict standards for "uniqueness". You can combine these with other forms of authentication or create you're own schema utilizing more data than just the UID to create more secure systems.
Demo & Code
Arduino RFID Keycard Access
Reviewed by XXX
สิงหาคม 25, 2560
